Services FAQ

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Staff member
May 26, 2001
New to running an IRC channel on This guide is for people who want to understand more about the services available on IRC.

First of all you'll start to find out everything is done with private messages to bots which control registrations and settings. They are pretty feature packed and offer quite a lot of control over what happens in your channel. These bots are called:

Allows you to registered your nickname to prevent other people from using it and to recover it if they do. Everytime you connect to utassault.nets IRC network you will need to identify to Nickserv with your password so that you Nickserv knows who you are really you!

Lets you register a #channel for you or your clan. You must have already registered your nickname before you can register a channel. Chanserv ensures that channel operator (@) modes are set for you and anyone else you permit.

This bot offers a way to send messages to other registered users on IRC even if they are offline. When the recipient does come online and identifies with Nickserv, Memoserv will alert them to the memo they have waiting.

Is an interface to assign a bot which will appear in your channel. By default Chanserv will set modes and be used for other services features. Botserve allows you to have a differnet bot active in your channel instead of Chanserv.

Each one can be used by sending it a Private Message or query in this format:

/msg Nickserv help

The above command can be typed anywhere in mIRC, which in this example is asking Nickserv to display help, a list of commands which we can use. These services send back notices as their response, if nothing seems to happen when you try the example above, check the Status Window in mIRC if notices are not sent to the active window. This can be changed in miRC options to make it easier to use.

Some more examples which you may find usefull:

/msg Nickserv REGISTER password name @
Registers your current nickname with the password of: 'password' and e-mail addresses of 'name @'

/msg Nickserv IDENTIFY password
To be typed each time you visit IRC when you connect, using the password of 'password'. Visit this thread for more information on automatically identifying to Nickserv when you connect.

/msg Nickserv group password
Allows you to GROUP different nicknames together such as, Martz, Martz[away], Martz|work which all have the same access to channels etc. The nickname you wish to group must not be registered first, using the password of 'password'

/msg Chanserv help
Shows all of Chanservs commands

/msg Chanserv help set
Shows available SET options which can be set on a per channel basis

/msg Chanserv set #MyChannel ENTRYMSG Welcome to #MyChannel, check out our website!
Displays the message "Welcome to #MyChannel, check out our website!" to every user that joins your channel.

More later :P
Channel Modes (requested by doh)

*** p = Private channel
*** s = Secret channel
*** i = Invite-only allowed
*** m = Moderated channel, Only users with mode +voh can speak.
*** n = No messages from outside channel
*** t = Only Channel Operators may set the topic
*** r = Channel is Registered
*** R = Requires a Registered nickname to join the channel
*** c = Blocks messages with ANSI colour (ColourBlock).
*** q = Channel owner
*** Q = No kicks able in channel unless by U:Lines
*** O = IRC Operator only channel (Settable by IRCops)
*** A = Server/Net/Tech Admin only channel (Settable by Admins)
*** K = /KNOCK is not allowed
*** V = /INVITE is not allowed
*** S = Strip all incoming colours away
*** l <number of max users> = Channel may hold at most <number> of users
*** b <nick!user@host> = Bans the nick!user@host from the channel
*** k <key> = Needs the Channel Key to join the channel
*** o <nickname> = Gives Operator status to the user
*** v <nickname> = Gives Voice to the user (May talk if chan is +m)
*** L <chan2> = If +l is full, the next user will auto-join <chan2>
*** a <nickname> = Gives protection to the user (No kick/drop)
*** e <nick!user@host> = Exception ban - If someone matches it
*** they can join even if a ban matches them
*** h <nickname> = Gives HalfOp status to the user
*** f [*]<lines>:<seconds> = Flood protection, if the * is given a user will
*** be kick banned when they send <lines> in <seconds>
*** if * is not given they are just kicked and not banned
*** H = No +I users may join (Settable by Admins)
*** N = No Nickname changes are permitted in the channel.
*** ^ = Reports Channel modes in bitstring. Only exists in
*** Development Versions i.e #define DEVELOP
*** G = Makes the channel G Rated. Any badwords are replaced
*** with <censored> in channel messages (
*** u = "Auditorium". Makes /NAMES and /WHO #channel only show Operators.
*** C = No CTCPs allowed in the channel.
*** z = Only Clients on a Secure Connection (SSL) can join.
*** ---------------------oOo-------------------