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shadowboxer was always my greatest rivalry, ever since i started playing the game. he used to harass me. i think he was always stoned or something.

other than him, vern was always a great rival, and eventually bustacap.

it's interesting that now those are the guys i get along with best.
Old school UA Brain used to be my target every evening on smokin utinsel in the good 'ol days. Always great battles and fun fraggin all nite long.

Buzz, Padawan, Lexy, Element, Muffin where always fun stickin a missle in.. 8-)

ooooh, this will date me. way back in the day. before i know that americans played assault, Timo from MI5(and numerous other clans). later on FaCe.(his taunts never bothered me. i knew how screwed up he really is). but the most fun had to be all those times i aliased and joined the server that Brain was on(unlike theBrain, this guy is no "brain"). i'd wait for him to get almost to godlike. then i'd hammer him into a wall and make him suicide. :smoke: god i loved messing with him.
well hello hello :bow: this is the best place to get nostalgic indeed! I'm still up for a fight :hammer: hanging around with NRG at this time, and we've actually at this actual moment #1 in the utassault.net league :hm:

I've actually played you not so long ago.... remember your match against the infamous <BoT>? :smurf:
It was a very pleasant match, atleast for us. You had ping 200+ all of you, but you didn't complain or whine 1 single time - and wished us the best - so I do the same to you :soon:
hehe, i'm nobody that you would remember now or then Timo. another faceless warrior burnt in your shock. :shock: 'course, i was new and you had a 200 ping advantage :chilled: still, some of my best memories in UT were getting fragged by you or argueing with you and your mates when i was drunk :psycho: ask steel if he misses his silver buddy.....
Steel KoM ? think he also played for UFM
he later joined Mi5 and called himself Devil
after Mi5 fell apart he joined *LuNa*
then LuNa disbanded and he just played for himself for awhile
long time since I last saw him :smoke:
Hey Fluid are you playing in pi8/NRG scrim on the 16th? You can have one more chance to slap us around. :)