rippershot in frigate

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Yup that would be it.
well it could be a cool bug,but i saw him do it once on a nil server.
(by accident) he does not know how to do it but he always fires a few rippers and sometimes he gets lucky.
with the practice from yesterday i am now on 7000 rippershots (more or less) ;/
Thx optical.
although i must say i knew most of me.
the ripper/sniper shot from the post/roof is brilliant
very detailed, excellent guide in my modest opinion.
LOL only he has his weapon centered, so some people who will have there weapons in their left/right need to use a other aiming point for that rippershot of roof :D
i've never heard of anyone getting the compressor from there

edit: meaning from behind the blue doorway
now more then 8000 rippershots.
in practice mode i have been able to do it once now.
could be buggy.
dont trust the 1 in 8000 shots, too difficult to make em in a clanwar.
I think i've seent that once too... nowhere else it could have come from cause roof, deck, comp room and corridor were empty... kewl trick if it works:)

Oh, if you feel like it check out the Rook guide i made so you can tell how lousy guidewriter i am.. not even drunk while writing it;)