Q & A Round II

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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A by riding a push bike really fast and thorwing the light off it

Q whats the air speed of a swallow ladened with a coconut ?
A: its part of the package insulation to insure the future of mankind....ie stop the nutttsack from freezing to little icecicles.

Q: What happens when u get an answer wrong in this game?
A: You have to spend one hour naked with Mogul in the same room. Figure for urself what that means... :D

Q: Do u think Gen would like to spend one hour naked in the same room with Mogul?

a: cos there good
q: if a man walks to the shop with 56 bags and uses 45 then rips one so reinforces each bag by 3 but then decides that 3 is not enogh so doubles it up and walks home but is mugged and looses 17 so he puts 3 more bags round the others to make them safe how many new bags does he have?
A. 42
Q. why is the other cue always faster (in the supermarket for example)?