Political Correct Assault

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I cannot tell you why it is not fair, I aint the guy who came up with that idea, most likely someone with a grudge against aimbots.
Re: Well

prolly they said teh sniper does too much damage for something wit so many bullets and such a fast reload time.
Wow guys...

:o I just read all them replies.....roflol....you just keep going on like this...

BTW. Equalisatium...you still into assault? :confused:
§0 Do whatever u want

(this rule removes every rules following)

its a game not more

when u want including such changes contact Eavy.
I read the rules and I said to myself, let's give it a shot.
And I must say it's a great feeling to finally play politically correct.

But I think the rules as posted are just the beginning, here's a summary of my personal do's and dont's for PCUTA (TM) - Politically Correct Unreal Tournament Assault

1) Open doors for your teammates! I used to struggle a lot to get through doors first, now I just open them and politely step back to let my teammates pass. (It's always sad to see them die though, if some evil spammer happens to be behind the door)

2) Sometimes I have to kill other players and it makes me very sad. I thought it might be a good idea to apologize. It takes some time, but it's worth it! I became quite good in typing fast actually, a neat side-effect ; )
(Of course I suicide politely after taking someone elses screenlife)

3) Further (and that's a personal thing) I found myself cursing alot while playing. My little trick is to wash my mouth with soap whenever I catch myself doing it. It works really fine.

4) It is utterly unfair to fight enemies with no ammo, I hotkeyed "throw weapon" so that I can offer them help if needed.

5) Every now and then a worn down enemy runs towards an objective. With little energy left he'd surely be an easy kill. Don't shoot the guy, just step aside and let him have his win. A little gift from you that brightens someone elses life! If it's anewbie player you might even want to show him where to run/shoot : )

6) Change your name to something positive! "Deathpain", "Killblood3000", "Psychomassmurder" are names of the past, but "Happyday", "Sunshine" or "Love" are good examples of a little spark that u can send out easily!

7) If someone falls down from very high (also think of Hi-Speed) jump after them and see if you can help! In most cases I found that my help came to late, but at least I tried!

Keep in mind that points are nothing, but shutting the computer down, knowing that you have helped one or the other lost soul, that's a real reward!

That's all for now! And now happy (and hopefully politically correct) UT - ing! And hey: When is the last time you told someone you really love him? (gotcha ; )

The new Rogie 2001!!!
"§12 You are only allowed to use lifts if you have not activated within the last 10 seconds

§13 When using lifts you are not allowed to jump at the same time to gain additional velocity"

But I just want to ride it up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, and up and down.

Is that so wrong ????? :(
Re: Wow guys...

Originally posted by 2Cb
:o I just read all them replies.....roflol....you just keep going on like this...

BTW. Equalisatium...you still into assault? :confused:
isnt that nude drunk girl in the car JACQUELINE???
me is :confused: