ooooooo wots this then ?

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Nice to see someone else do the waiter job for a change:D

Can i have a pineapple Breezer please?
Originally posted by Crusader
Yea but they got lots of trance music over there :D


i really DO live in a great country don't i??

ok just gimme a bottle of Amstel Beer then (sheesh, poor bar, doesn't even has Amstel from the tap :D )

pfff my bartending skills are not appreciated :crap:

and here's your breezer smarky, theres a full room in the back for ya :eek:

Its locked tho :P
Indeed Holland is GREAT. And indeed beer form the "tap" is better then u fucking bottle. But if those crazy english, american, etc etc dotn have beer form the "tap".

ah im wauwling now.

THY DON'T HAVE BEER FORM THE "TAP"?????????????????


that they even can live with themselfs....... this is very nasty, i say their gouverment conspires to get no "taps" in their countries.....


and where's my beer? :beer:
Heineken 0wns y00!
First of all all countreys have beer from the tap(cept Iran and ilk)

Second ive heard Belgium has the best beer in the world, grolsh was it? i dunno.

Third, isnt breezer a girlie drink?