Once upon the time there was...

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The group cooked the dwarf and had a delicious meal unlike any in recent memory. They then returned to their pondering...
This must have been about the shortest entrance-exit of a quest character for eons and also for many years to come. Record breaking the 3 went on. They didn't want to swim/crawl accross the ditch. Fuck sake, the ditch was filled with, erm, you know what. And it smelled like who or what ever had been crapping in it for many years. The Happy One, now less happy without the nightly support of satisfying the two women, wondered what to do. If only they had a cunning plan, something really wicked, to get them accross the ditch..... What could they possibly do? Time was running out......
...och så svalde natsi en jättestor penis.... som han tyckte mycket om.
Sen kom hans bror och sprutade natsi i ögonvrån.....
So they decided to use the arrogant swede as a bridge...
dunno where the arrogant swede came from, but he sure was a good bridge :nod: reunited the dynamic four continued their quest. The book, the book the holy book. That was almost the only thing on their mind. Appart from the world top athletic, deeply satisfying, all conventions breaking, all out, deeply penetrating, no holds barred sexual escapades at night. So only the quest for the book and that.

It continued.....

The landscape became more and more empty, less and less trees. A bit colder as well. Luckily they had a good cook and plenty food and beer. This went on untill finally they reached the deepest South they could find. Just one island stood between them and the eternal icefields.....
"Are you absolutely sure that is the island that separates us and the Big Icy-Thing in the south?" asked Nuts from the Happy One.
"Well duh, what else could it be?", replied Happy to that, "This is where we are, that is where the south is, and that is the big lake that separates us" pointed Happy from the map. "But there are no islands in the lake of your map" said Nuts all conf00sed and stuff. This rendered the magnificent quartet speechless. Now this mysterious island had awoken their curiosity, and despite previous plans to swim right over to the Big Icy-Thing for the mere 100km's, they now decided to get to the island. Suddenly they noticed that the nightfall wasn't much far and that they would never get to the island before it was pith black, they had to make a camp in the open beach. Of course, camping in an open, uninspected area like that is the most stupid and suicidic thing to do in the night with the things that go *bump* in the night all around them, but the warriors were already too interested in going *bump* with their not-so-fair maidens and weren't too bothered with the gleaming eyes that stalked them in the night...
As the night fell, strange sounds started coming from the nearabout of their camp.

"That ain't so sensible lad that comes her ein this time", sais lil wnutters wankinghood to happy. Lightning-fast the two fecthed their fierce war hammers and decided to ambush the possible pervy yourshirians stalking their camp...

Slowly they left the moaning women behind and proceeded quietly on the beach until suddenly...
... they spotted the three trolls. The trolls were preparing a meal by the looks of it and it seemed that they were on the menu. What to do, trolls are fierce creatures, about 5 times the size of the Happy One and about 10 times the size of lil'Wanking hood.

How would they get them selves out of this mess? Trolls are about as big as they are stupid, maybe with a cunning plan......