New section in RZ ?

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Kawada PsicosisNRG

I was speaking with a m8 this afternoon and he gave me an idea for a new section in the Record Zone.

In the past many people have said that they can complete maps extremely quickly offline, so I thought, well, it's still an achievement to complete a map quickly offline.

So, what I would like to propose, is that I start a new section dedicated to offline Records. However, to make things slightly more interesting, instead of ScreenShots, use demos instead. Partically so people cannot argue about game speeds and also, just so people can get interactive (so to speak) with records :)

Anyway, I wont start a new section without knowing people would be into it, so if you would be interested, or have a demorec of an offline record already, either post after this post, email or icq me.

Rules need to be made, but those can be made quickly once I know there would be enough people :)

ICQ NO 101907555
grrrrrrr :D

Bah!!! ive already done that with Neorox... dont steal me ideas ;)
Re: New section in RZ ?

Thanks for the input Neo.

As far as I can tell, you post demos of tricks etc.

I am posting demos of records.

Are you saying I stole your idea of posting demos ?
I think sites have been doing that for a long time m8.

Or was that post just an attempt to plug your site ?

Once again that site, !!

Re: New section in RZ ?

everytime I visit that site, I can't stop laughing :lol:

That dildo is simply to hilarious!!!
Re: New section in RZ ?

I#D be intrested in such a section Kwawada even though I will be less likely to sumbit anything hence i suck big time :p
Re: New section in RZ ?

that is true seabass :p

As for the rest - well not bothered, nor interested in d/l someone else movies :lol:

my 2 pence :p
Re: New section in RZ ?

naw m8 it was from the previous neorox site hehehe ive stil got them all but i closed the site down and reopened it as it is today.. was 6 months ago though ;)

you should of noticed this ;)

"ive already done that"

I can just hand u all the jpgs and your offline record zone is already complete :p
Re: New section in RZ ?

Fair enough m8, I won't argue the point :p

Re: yeah .. ;)

does using the fly cheat count? ;)
and allammo and god mode? ;) :lol: