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New Member
Jul 10, 2003
Kennewick, WA
Again these have to do with console messages and the like.

What does ItemMessagePlus do?
Is there something like TimeMessage and ObjectiveMessage that I can use?
How do I make ExpireMessage, and M_Activated/Selected/Deactivated messages colored?
What are the exact time duration values for Summon UDamage, UT_Invisibility, Unreali.SCUBAGear, Unreali.Flashlight, Unreali.Searchlight?
What are some mod tutorials?
Why do Unreali.Flashlight and Unreali.SCUBAGear ExpireMessages flash twice in the HUD?
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Setting Messages
Set ITEM PickUpMessage MESSAGE
Set ITEM ExpireMessage MESSAGE
Set ITEM DeathMessage MESSAGE
Set ITEM M_Activated MESSAGE
Set ITEM M_Deactivated MESSAGE

Set KillerMessagePlus YouKilled MESSAGE
Set VictimMessage YouWereKilledBy MESSAGE
Set FirstBloodMessage FirstBloodString MESSAGE
Set DecapitationMessage DecapitationString MESSAGE

Set MultiKillMessage DoubleKillString MESSAGE
Set MultiKillMessage MultiKillString MESSAGE
Set MultiKillMessage UltraKillString MESSAGE
Set MultiKillMessage MonsterKillString MESSAGE

Set KillingSpreeMessage SpreeNote MESSAGE
Set KillingSpreeMessage EndSpreeNote MESSAGE
Set KillingSpreeMessage EndSelfSpree MESSAGE
Set KillingSpreeMessage EndFemaleSpree MESSAGE

Set TournamentGameInfo CorrodedMessage MESSAGE
Set TournamentGameInfo DrownedMessage MESSAGE
Set TournamentGameInfo ExplodeMessage MESSAGE
Set TournamentGameInfo HackedMessage MESSAGE
Set TournamentGameInfo MaleSuicideMessage MESSAGE
Set TournamentGameInfo FemaleSuicideMessage MESSAGE

Set DeathMessagePlus KilledString MESSAGE <--- What does this do?

Setting Message Colors
Set PickUpMessagePlus DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set PickUpMessageHealthPlus DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set DeathMessagePlus DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set ItemMessagePlus DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x) <--- What does this do?

Set KillerMessagePlus DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set VictimMessage DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set FirstBloodMessage DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set DecapitationMessage DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set MultiKillMessage DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)

Set KillingSpreeMessage DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)

Set DeathMatchMessage DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set CTFMessage DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set ControlPointMessage DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set LMSOutMessage DrawColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)

Set SayMessagePlus GreenColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set SayMessagePlus LightGreenColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set TeamSayMessagePlus GreenColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set TeamSayMessagePlus CyanColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)
Set TeamSayMessagePlus LightGreenColor (R=x,G=x,B=x)

Setting Weapon Values
Set WEAPON ShakeMag 0
Set WEAPON ShakeTime 0
Set WEAPON ShakeVert 0

Does this look like a complete list?
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You will find that a lot of the strings marked "<--- What does this do?" are just left in from the original Unreal; and are now defunct in Unreal Tournament.

Just some off the top of my head..

AtmaDragon said:
What are the exact time duration values for Summon UDamage, UT_Invisibility, Unreali.SCUBAGear, Unreali.Flashlight, Unreali.Searchlight?
UDamage = 27.5s (109s respawn)
UT_Invisibility = 45s (109s respawn)
SCUBAGear = ?? (18s respawn)
Flashlight = 73 s (??s respawn)
Searchlight = ?? (??s respawn)

n.b. these are real seconds, not necessarily the same as the seconds shown in ut.

AtmaDragon said:
How do I make binds to change skins?
You can't; the closest you can get is either to menucmd to the Player Setup menu, or have an external program write values to the ini (which might not work anyway).

AtmaDragon said:
Why do Unreali.Flashlight and Unreali.SCUBAGear ExpireMessages flash twice in the HUD?
UT Automatically activates the item on pickup; whereas in Unreal, you had to manually activate the item (so one message for pickup, one for activate).
AtmaDragon said:
What does SuicideMessage do? (NOT Male/FemaleSuicideMessage)
This is a default string; if Male/Female are not applicable, this one will be used. (Still, not sure if it's used in UT, as it looks like an old Unreal string).

AtmaDragon said:
What does Set PickUpMessagePlus BisConsoleMessage 0 do?
The sub-class default for bIsConsoleMessage is True; this defines whether it appears in the hud "chatbox" or not. PickUpMessagePlus is an extended class of LocalMessagePlus which just handles any additional objects within the player inventory

AtmaDragon said:
Is there a ThrownMessage? Like a console message that can indicate when you throw a weapon?
No, but you can handle the leagueAS current weapon string before you throw it to show the weapon name you have thrown (along with ammo etc).
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