Mind enchancers ;)

  • Thread starter System Malfunction
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System Malfunction

Cannabis, Psylocibine shrooms, Peyotle (meskalin) etc etc..

and HTML ;)

Try this: VERY SMALL

Here is instructions on usage:

Unpack contains of zip to some directory

Open widemind.htm in almost any browser

Better close all CPU eating apps

Sit relaxed, take comfortable position, face to screen distance is about 30-40 cm.

Set mouse pointer inside square, and CLOSE your eyes

Click mouse. You should feel/see pulsating through closed eyes.

Concentrate on visual images, after short time you will see lines, figures etc etc on grayish background.

After another short time you will have feeling somehow resembling hash/weed

As you feel that ur mind condition is stabilized, click mouse (without opening eyes)

Repeat process until it stop pulsating.

Open eyes (in case u forgot)

Pay attention to third cicle - it uses frequency similiar to frequency of one rythme of brain.

Have fun ;)