Luwe what kind of bind do u use

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??? don't use a bind m8 . sorry but i think u can't win FFS . don't think u are 20 ! but i think 3 ! but np , if u make a lot of post because i don't use nothing !
i think . its the servers m8y because on jolt server than is everbody doing a Taunt . But i don't got a bind !
Lmao i'm sitting next to u
and ure telling m,e by urselfe that u got a bind so wtf u talking about luwe just remove that bind
Originally posted by Chappy
Lmao i'm sitting next to u
and ure telling m,e by urselfe that u got a bind so wtf u talking about luwe just remove that bind
yeah right m8 ! u sitting next to me but go to play on jolt 1 . than u see more fags doing that but the don't got a bind !!!! FFS
Thats because the server is fucked
and its only on that server
so why are u using that bind on other servers
just because u can hit shit on jolt 1
Originally posted by Chappy
Thats because the server is fucked
and its only on that server
so why are u using that bind on other servers
just because u can hit shit on jolt 1

I DON"T GOT A BIND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hm, if you actually spoke to each other that would mean you had a life... forums are better:D
Originally posted by Lupus
If you sit next to each other there are easier ways to have a conversation :rolleyes:

btw Henkie cheats!

and Chap is a monkey-lover!

ik cheat nie !