LeagueAS135 Released

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ https://discord.gg/JuaSzXBZrk for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

we don't need the the ServerPackages for Viewing demos, do we?

edit: okay checked it - we don't
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moddin' fag :whatever:

i'm still waiting for the "flame-protection"-feature where you can make your teammates mute their enemies :D

small idea/solution could perhaps be to make it possible to strike a key and thus becoming the leader of the team (only possible in matches), and then with another key mute your players as necessary? :D you're leader for as long as you are connected and it's still match...

or perhaps, when signing up for a match, you could enter a "leader-password" to be used in your console, and thereby becoming the leader (perhaps a necessecity for less mature teams).

perhaps it's all too much work for a small feature - but I imagine it would help out in quite many matches :D and if it's done I'm sure you can use it for a whole lots of other features... kicking a teammate that fall asleep etc :whatever:
That would be great :rofl:
when someone joins a map who shouldnt, then "cant hear on TS" suddenly that they shouldnt be in, get to kick them. :thumb: Or when you know someone has crashed, but they havent been kicked from the game, you have a zombie and have to wait till the game figures it out. And stopping one of your team from flaming is an excellent idea!
I reckon it would be too much work too, but would be fantastic :D
Team Leaders was a feature that was on my list for LeagueAS for a while, but unfortunately I don't think your going to see much if anything that left on that list now :\
Phear is there a reason i cant see the netspeed feature in 135, i havent activated mute and afaik ive installed the package correctly :confused:

anyway doesnt matter i was just wondering if u might know
Ok small discovery netspeed doesnt show when u use 640*480, well not on my computer anyway