LeagueAS Colors w/o LeagueAS

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New Member
Jul 10, 2003
Kennewick, WA
I think I asked this question before but I can't find the thread.

Is it possible to make team colors for Death Messages and such w/o using LeagueAS, just for normal servers?
all i can give u is those command lines (to get them each time u start UT, use/add them to a tweaks.ini file):

//Teamsay colors changed
set teamsaymessageplus greencolor (g=255,r=255) // Player's name - Yellow
set teamsaymessageplus lightgreencolor (g=255,r=255) // Player's message - Yellow
set teamsaymessageplus cyancolor (g=0,r=255,b=255) // PLayer's location - Magenta
