I have a problem

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Kneel before ZOD!!!!
Jul 9, 2001
W-Sussex, UK
Well its about my bowels, they work just fine. Plumming is working very nicely indeed, however. When I get excited (like shooting an annoying, disrespectful urchin) I tend to fart. It runs in the family, from generation to generation we all have this when the age of true wisdom has come and life's experience exceeds all them youngsters running about doing nutting but making noise and watch television. Especially after a nice beer or 3. Where was I? Yes the bloody urchins next door. Did I tell you about when I was young (and obedient to elder) I could run the marthon in less than 2 hours? Look at them athletes nowadays, they are oversponsored gits. Sissies are they. Where is my nurse? What is it again, ah yes, my fart. Well it is so powerful, we like a thorough job, that it kills my computer. Stone dead it is! It takes at least 20 min before I can boot it again. And all the lights go out as well. Any ideas?
Oh yes I forgot to mention the nurse doesn't want to enter the room for the next 4 hours when it happens. Very annoying.
its just another sign of getting old, ie you know your old when your shite smells as bad as your dads did when you was a nipper
Yeah using an extra tube, have enuf of them already one more won't matter Thanks GUN, you're a real friend. And I can use the gas to warm the house or burn them youngsters.