HOWTO: Nickname Registration Explained

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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Crazy Squirrel

<b>***** *****istrator</b><br>Keeper of the BOOM S
May 28, 2001
London, UK
Now its useful to know if someone with a nick is actually who you think they are. To help do this you can register your nickname.
Lets pretend our nickname is CS and that we are silly and like using the password password and our email address is [email protected]

The first step is to connect to the IRC server thats

Once on the server change to your nickname (if you havn't already set it) by typing /nick CS

If you get a warning from nickserv (a bot which looks after nicknames) then someone has already registered your nickname and u'll need to choose another.

Next step is to type /msg nickserv register password [email protected]
And then we are registered!

In future when you join the server you must Identify with the nickserv bot. So after connecting to the server and changing to your registered nick type /msg nickserv identify password
(There are ways of automating this which I will post another time)

Now suppose alot of people also call you CrazySquirrel and u'd like to switch between CS and this nick without any hassle.. Easy!

Change to the unregistered nick with /nick CrazySquirrel and type /msg nickserv group CS password

The nickserv bot has now grouped CS and CrazySquirrel as one person. You can identify with nickserv when you are named as either, and you can change nicks between them without having to re-identify. And You can have several different nicks in the group :D

Thats lesson #1 over for now :)
Remember that CS & CrazySquirrel are regged to me so you need to replace them with your nick(s) :P
Download mIRC from (I think) and set it up to connect to enter a channel such as #utassault.

...Anyway... about registering on nickserv...

I am registered, but I forgot my sodding password, and SENDPASS gives me "Permission denied" oh the homosexuality.
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As in my post your best bet is to connect to, alternatively but that I think will put you on the american server.
in mirc type /server
or use the mirc connect window
mirc is probably the best irc client if your running windows.

Humph I can't find your nickname on the network, definatly doesn't start Hum anyway, pm me or something if u need help.