how to export mysql tableinfo with perl?

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May 10, 2003
I'm sitting at work atm and I'm supposed to write a script which exports certain infos out of a mysql table into html documents.

However, I never really worked with Perl, UNIX and mysql (or databases in general...).
Somehow I managed it though to write a script which creates the html files and inserts the values I entered in the perl script.

Now I'm pretty much stuck because I got no clue how to insert the mysql infos.
I want to fill $whatever with: "database: doesntmatter; table: whocares; id: 2; row 6; col 5" is that even possible? Allready Googled it but the most things i found caused me headache. :hangover:
Huh? What are you trying to do again? Insert a new record into a table?
This tutorial page for perl contains a sample of query to one mysql DB, look for "PERL - MySQL SELECT Query" sample.

mysql DB is a "Relationnal" database system. This implies that at some point you will have to write an adequate "SELECT" SQL statement to read rows of data from your mysql table.

$myquery = "SELECT * FROM $tablename";

In this brief sample you will retrieve ALL columns (meaning of '*' character) of ALL rows within the table whose name matches the text string contained in '$tablename' variable.

A SELECT statement always ends with a semi-colon and is made of "clauses": SELECT, FROM, WHERE. On the net you will find loads of samples of SQL SELECT queries that look like this.
SELECT <comma_separated_columns> FROM <table> WHERE <condition_on_columns>;

Here is one that would display clans with positive or zero streak, concretely those that did not loose the last match if any.
SELECT clan, points, won, drawn, lost, streak, leaguetype
FROM t_clans
WHERE leaguetype = 'PROAS';

You might learn more googling "select statement" or "Perl select mysql"
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