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i aint giving u my address for nothing!! (unless u have another diamond encrusted vibrator for me!)
I have an ounce of head-mashin grass which I boughth from an old woman mind you :)
no shit!
There's a little shop hidden away wich sells all sorts of stuff... chinese/japanese clothing, swords, large dragon statues, 2ft tall bongs..... lol

And to top it off it's owned by an elderly couple...
Me and my mates call it "Gran and Grandad stoner's bong shop"
ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *running down the street screaming when ive typed this*
Humph said:
and I still say I suck at insta, despite my repeated sprees and rampages :p

repeated my ass! u got lucky thats all :) and u do suck!!!!!!!!!!!