*Good Game*

  • Thread starter UT Lord Lightning
  • Start date
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UT Lord Lightning

I would like to thank the o mighty brothers of destruction for playing a good match today November 5th in the year 2000 at 18:00 GMT verus the Lords on Unreal Tournament.
Thank You,
UT Lord"Lightning"

P.S. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well thank you for the match

But next time I will make sure the sorcerer are killed before he can finish his spell upon us. it were a dirty trick you pulled there.

Damn close game, unfortunatly you had the luck.
Re: Well thank you for the match

Yes we were lucky, very lucky. We escaped from heading into the 3 sphere of the world :lol: and came out with a narrow victory. Remember we are Lords and we have magical powers. The socerer will never be killed.
UT Lord"Lightning"
A student I see

I take you took the time to study the ancient scrolls of our fine library.
I am pleased to hear that

you seek wisdom, may you have luck in your persue of power, unfortunatly you had the ability to put a stop to our.
Thank You

Why thank you Equalisatium, may BOD and the Lords of Unreal Tournament live forever! :)
UT Lord"Lightning"
Re: Thank You

THX for the game UT Lord's
Next time we wil bring our Godess and she wil dispell all of your curses

Re: Thank You

Yes..you must behold the power of the mighty godess JULIA!
for she can cast great spells of evil!

UT Lord"Lightning"
Re: Thank You

(/me casting)
Varkalos. Hlivkie shorki,
pirjalis po nave,
I hrjukotali zeluki
Kak mumziki w nave.

Re: Hmm

*is sure that will assist us in search for glory *

wow Julia a translation might be needed here ;)
All right now me casting:lol:
Mi vozmem 4ut 4ut uykropa,sun tyda kasha4ju popu,dva podpizsdnika tela4ih ,bi4iy huy i tri soba4ih,torakanji lapki sikel staroy babki!Odin nosok,pizdi kysok,Snimay lozkoy penky,beysa golovy ob stenky! eheheh
Jul u now can translate
..btw i didnt understod what does jul says..just last words i understod.