Getting an UTOAP??

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New Member
Mar 27, 2002
Hallo respectabel Utoap members....

I've already asked 2 Dwaps members about joining this clan (Max & Odin). But I think they dont want me in... 'cause I'm from Sicily, and they are afraid to get theyr heads shooted/blowed away :D

I'm really sorry to say that I'm a DWAP too (Mafioso). I cant play UT, but I can drink beers and Max's whiskey, especially in car 3!!!

(And for the record) I'm 34 years old. Please let me be an UTOAP, who ever have the power to do that :confused: :)

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Hello :wave: yes you should be in (now take the gun from me head) the more oldies in the nursing home the more nurse`s they have to get in :D
Originally posted by Mafioso
... 'cause I'm from Sicily,

You're not a very cantankerous old git are you. However, if the above statement is a complaint and you can steal Max's whisky and give it to me then you're in.

:D :D :D :D :D
The bar is open


(sorry Max)