Forum Time-keeping...

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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<b>*********.net Treasurer</b>
Jul 29, 2001
Cambridge, UK
Just thought I would point this out although it isnt really a big issue.

Recently (maybe since the upgrade, or the move, dunno) whatever source the forums obtain their time from has been getting steadily more out of sinc with GMT. It appears to be running slightly fast, at around 20 minutes now.

I.e. When you make a new post, then look at the time you posted, it's just under 20 minutes ahead of the actual time. This gap has been steadily increasing over the past couple of months.

Anyone know where the forums obtain the time from, why it is fast, and if it can be corrected? :D

Edit: Note: Forums tell me I made this post at 15.35, the correct time is actually 15.18 :rolleyes:

Edit2: Just checked speaking clock, GMT is 15.22 precisely, forums say 15.39 :eek:
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To fix this bug please adjust your PC clock by ~ 20 minutes.
Should be better now - I've set the server up to sync with an open access time server at BT, so it should be ok from now on.