Forum Idea

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Sep 2, 2002
The Netherlands
First of all this is just an idea I came up, so I'm kinda thinking out loud in this thread.
I dont have any clue if my idea already exists in the form of some forum-plugin or not.

While the base of this forum is rooted in UT Assault of course, the forum nowaday caters more than just that. Many people have left UT and/or the league behind but stay in the community. Many (if not all?) would be considered as Gamers and thus play a broad variety of (new) games.

Wouldn't it be kinda cool and possibly useful to add some feature that shows what everyone is playing nowadays?
Perhaps part of the profiles? Or the mini-profiles next to posts?
If properly implemented it could be searchable or show how popular a game is by numbers.

Sure you could put a small list in yer signature, but thats not the same. Signatures aren't searchable nor add up.
And yes there is "NON-Unreal Tournament Forum"-section, but once more.. thats not the same.

Just my 2 cents. :)
We can do it in the profile using "custom profile fields". Maybe with anothe plugin which makes the list of lots of games managable.

Yep, its a good idea and could probably be implemented if I had some time to commit to it.
This seems to sorta work so far.

Tweaked the available options for the memberlist. I might be able to either make a new template, or clone the memberlist function to use an alternative template and filter some of the junk fields out. Can only select "custom fields" as an option, not each individual field i'd like to see. But that could be filtered in a custom template. So there you are.
Searches the same sorta deal. Too much fluff, but it does the job.
UserCP > Edit profile
Theres a list of 5 games so far for testing. Could we have a more definitive list posted somewhere please? I have no idea whats cool with you kids these days. :mad:

So the functionality seems to be there, its just a bit bloated with too much stuff in the templates.
Member list is now only showing members with > 1 post as well, which is much cleaner. None of those zero posters show up
Wouldnt 5 dropdown lists be better?
Lets say you add like 50 games or something.. 50 tickboxes would be insane.
Or just 5 custom textfields.
That way people can enter whatever they like.
Textfield is nicer with old + new games n all aswell, since you (as admin) dont need to do any maintenance like adding/removing games every week/month/whatever. ;)
Drop-down menu with multiple choices option would do the trick.

Try it now. To make multiple selection just hold your CTRL key and select as many options as you want.

Martz broke Members list :nono: The width now is something about 3000px :lol: I need 2 monitors to view it.
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Drop-down menu with multiple choices option would do the trick.
But then someone stills needs to keep adding new games.

Drop-down list:
+ no input problems like "same game different text"
+ can select as many games as wanted
- admin work to take care of the list
- limited games (admin cant enter _all_ games ever made)

+ custom input, so no admin takes care of the "gameslist"
- custom input would result in possibly single games but different lines, example: BF2142, Battlefield 2142, etc. (same game, different text)
- limited games (5 textfields would equal 5 games max)

So I guess its up to the admins to take the decision:
Nicest for the users would be drop-down list.
Nicest for the admins would be the textfields.

Martz broke Members list :nono: The width now is something about 3000px :lol: I need 2 monitors to view it.
Go Martz :lol:
1) Multiple selection windows are nasty.
2) Lots of checkboxes aren't a bad thing
3) Textfields are not the way to go if you want to search on the information. It should be done via a key rather than on text. If people spell it differently then results may or may not match.

Nicest for me - checkboxes in profiles.If we had > 100 games multi select form would work - but thats trickier to use all round.
Updates? What else except for games list needs to be updated ... despite from the fact that some things needs to be fixed ... yes i'm talking about you Martz :lol: ;)
Can't be arsed, vB code is nasty!

Had a play around with games.php and it'll take a lot of complex reworking to make something nice.

Game preferences are stored as a string in a field rather than having more normalised relationships to other records - so even the queries aren't easy.
looks good. But I miss Fifa 08 and Kartrider for me personally :D
Command & Conquer Tiberiumwars 3
Warcraft 3 The frozen Throne
F.E.A.R all series (Perseus Mandate is out in november)
Counterstrike Source