feed the world with just 1 cell ?

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Son!c Reducer
Apr 9, 2002
Dead End Street
this is probably one of the most profound things i have ever read about its just mind boggling

feed the world from 1 cell

would vegetarians eat it ?

its not real meat or is it ?

A team of scientists led by university of Maryland doctoral student Jason Matheny, propose how companies could mass produce cultured meat using scientific techniques to create a product that is healthier than the real thing.

Food companies could then target the growing market for healthier, lower-fat foods and also meet the growing demand for meat in developing markets. Cultured meat would also appeal to consumers concerned about food safety, the environment and animal welfare, and those who want to tailor food to their individual tastes, Matheny stated.

He even suggests that meat makers may one day sit next to bread makers on the kitchen counter.

:cow: < click
real meat consists of a huge variety of cell types including all the types that flow thru the blood stream, so basicly just cloning 1 single celltype is not gonna give u meat.