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O0oo Malf watch what you say:evil: !
And Inferno thats the type of reply i expect from...hmmm...i know....a wet piece of toast:lol:
one more
It relates 2 you so much:evil:

btw - does doggy read all of these as it could effect me pretty bad:)
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Doggy your so nice...youd nver do anythin mean 2 me would you:)

And inferno dont change the subject.....Im running out og insults here:(
Wet Toast:lol:
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Im appealing to his nicer.....well not side as thats 2 much....ahhhh....his nicer paw:)
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Well i would but spose it cracks and i fall in and make a'd be even wetter than you already are:)
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Didnt know you used one of those, after our hygiene dispute and you not washing your clothes.
But did it occur to you that i was getting to the point that your a bit of a drip:lol:
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so what if i don't wash my clothes?!
the voices told me not to :(