>DaRk< vs [ULL]

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Oct 1, 2001
Great match, very friendly, no flaming, no whinging, the way it should be :)

GG to everyone that played, or waited as a substitue,. on both sides

(I have posted a link to this thread in [ULL]'s clan forum becasue they use a different forum).
Originally posted by Sullen_Scrota
Great match, very friendly, no flaming, no whinging, the way it should be :)

GG to everyone that played, or waited as a substitue,. on both sides

(I have posted a link to this thread in [ULL]'s clan forum becasue they use a different forum).

Nice1.....true gents to the last.

it was a pleasure playing with u guys

and tnx for the kind comment

we after the match said what a good bunch of guys you where

hats off to you guys and good luck in league

Originally posted by [ULL]REDEEMER
it was a pleasure playing with u guys

and tnx for the kind comment

we after the match said what a good bunch of guys you where

hats off to you guys and good luck in league

Thanks Redeemer.......nice of you to say so.

We look forward to a rematch.