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the multiple clan memberships isnt all that bad - i for 1 find the most fun in playing matches - if i am in 5 clans = 5 times the games for me to play in :)

i know thats how i managed to get in 2-3 games a DAY in CS last spring, well that and being member of a clan with likeminded people who didnt mind me throwing out 3 challenges a day :)

at least at the level i was in CS, and the level the AS community is at - i cant see this posing any major threat. the possible bickering from a teammember if u choose to play for another clan wednesday night - but if its all agreed upon b4, that wont happen.

If however there were cash/any sort of prizes - i do agree that its completelly wrong to be in more clans.

also to get the best team i spose u should just be in 1 team - so really gazzy u shouldnt complain about people being in multiple clans - sure they get more shots at your crown, but each individual shot will be weaker, due to the loss in TP that occurs when u dont play with the same team all the time :)

just my 2 bits

hehe too bad i lack the knowledge of the situation to fuel the flames some :P
GRZ here u again stirring it up, thought it was all getting left in previous posts? and no-one from us including Gaz has brought anything up, just yourself here provoking another response,

FS U back again GRZ? I`ll give U an A for effort anyway.

What if 2 people in the clan did say those things? You think we all play nice and are all best mates? Well you`d be wrong. Some members aren`t happy with what other`s do, some don`t give a flying fuk either way. ION works well as a team, we don`t have to be in love with one another though to make the team work well.
ION is a democracy of sort`s and if the majority wanted rid of a member he`d be gone, but we all like winning together and we know how much it would make people happy if we left so we soldier on GRZ coz we know how empty your life would be if you didn`t have Gaz and his ass to fantasize over :P
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Make Neo look like a fake with his Neorox site and servers, what a shame

OK time to get serious here and ask wtf does Neorox have to do with >ION<, other than the fact that there is a link to on the Neorox site.

As for the servers, once again, Neo does other stuff in UT and life than play for >ION<, fair dues he's considered a nice enough guy by some to warrent being granted server admin of a gaming companies servers.

Or was this just another pathetic attempt at a pot-shot on another >ION< player?

Who's next? Grippo?
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