***Carrot Boy Update***

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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Lucky if they allow him on at all.

"Good morning sir. Aisle seat or window?"

"Aahd like to seat mesel next to tha' totty that was in the queue so I kin ha' a wee look at her titties when she's asleep and mebbe get a sniff o' her muff"

Sorry- not very good at accents.
sitting in easyjet cafe :rofl: they all think i am a nutbar toon.

Go-fly fuckers. considering the delay i was quite relaxed about the whole affair. Just shows u all i am not a red faced jock without the virtue of paitience?

But Steve i thought you would like to know i am going to write them a snotty letter and demand a large chunk of compensation :D. unlike me eh