Any registry gods around?

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Mister Mediocre
Jan 10, 2002
When you've a laptop there's you have an option that can set the action windows does when you close your laptop lid (power options -> Advanced)
Default setting is that the laptop goes to standby.

Ofc you can change it manually, but i wanna change it via a reg-key to no action.
(Also NOT over adm-templates or group policies, just reg keys).
Any idea? Seeked the net, but didnt find much useful.

Also i wanna automatically reg-key the windows setting: "Highlight new installed programs in the start menu" to disable.

thx in advance
Your google skills suck, must practice more!

New Program Highlight
0 = disabled 1=highlight

Lid Close
Set the policy to what you want when you close the lid on any laptop and export the key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\GlobalPowerPolicy

when importing, import the key and run 'rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme' to start the profile.
i should have known by myself, that when i add "god" in a thread title, Mym will answer ;)

True, my google skill is like my UT skill. Lacking.
Anyway, i searched with german keywords, prolly that was my failure.
rofl my great sense of humour told me to write "nooble dot com" but i actually checked this url in browser before making a link :lol: