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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. Samy


    Torp come back to Discord
  2. Samy


  3. Samy

    Guess the corresponding Music Video/Title

  4. Samy


    Turbo Turbo :bananna:
  5. Samy


    Wollen wir wieder?
  6. Samy


    Yo desear os una delicado adicionales Vidasano Festejar en cuanto aquello andar Causar nos colocar y arreglar ser Venir que Voluntad Comstible la NocheVieja
  7. Samy

    Christmas is here

    Deberiamos ponernos de humor para la fiesta del amor! La hermosa temporada navidena. Navidad! Demasiado temprano? No, el primer Adviento sera en veinticuatro dias. Yo desear a vosotros ahora ya un delicado y amoroso tiempo
  8. Samy

    Happy Birthday Tnega

    Have a good one :party:
  9. Samy

    Memory Training

    Have you ever counted backwards from 100 in three steps?
  10. Samy

    We count to 1337 :)

    Sorry for the delay This shall happens once again
  11. Samy

    Upcoming Movies you would like to watch

    Bad Boys for Life
  12. Samy

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas Yesterday we had the Holy Night, I hope you had an happy Day/evening with your Darlings, Friends and Family. It's time for Love. It's time for Peace. It's time for Harmony, all around the World!
  13. Samy

    Christmas Time

    Happy pre Christmas period
  14. Samy


    Murican thing
  15. Samy


    Yes what we know is: "Smoking attacks your health" Will I stop it? I guess i won't. I started smoking with the age of 19 and my first original box was "jps black". I tested so many sorts of tabak. From american spirit to lucky strike to marlboro. What are U smoking? And what experience U...
  16. Samy


    Happy new Year! Devil worshiper I have already cursed!
  17. Samy


    Whole Germany remains my Murican Tent! :D
  18. Samy

    World Cup

    The 32 Teams in the World football Cup 2018 in Russia Nigeria Ägypten Senegal Tunesien Marokko Iran Japan South Korea Saudi Arabien Australien Belgien Germany England Spain Poland Russia Island Serbien France Portugal Switzerland Croatia Sweden Denmark Brasilien Uruguay Argentinien Columbien...
  19. Samy

    Thor 3

    Comming this month in the cinemas! Get it, watch it and like it! :thumb:
  20. Samy


    Who wants can leave an song here, no matter what music direction. :chilled: