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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. SittingDuck

    League Servers update.

    whats the deal with server 6, is it hosted by digifrag or catalyst2 or is digifrag a sub-group of catalyst2???
  2. SittingDuck

    Mass Account Suspension

    oh and thinking about what SeX was saying, perhaps it would make sense to keep the minimum 4 matches a month, but remove the maximum number of matches a clan can play. That way a clan who can only muster its troops 4 times a month is unaffected, and those clans who have full team available most...
  3. SittingDuck

    Mass Account Suspension

    ban kakashi for criminal intent
  4. SittingDuck

    Mass Account Suspension

    looool "ban us" I like it whitey, u claim your not mercing for another clan yet you speak of ULLr as "us", don't you mean them?? Really think ULL would be better off if you exercised the right to remain silent.
  5. SittingDuck

    July Outstanding Games + DEADLINES

    kan v ULL booked
  6. SittingDuck

    Confused Leaves UTA

    all ias clans losing an excellent opponent, thanks for games, best of luck elsewhere :wave:
  7. SittingDuck

    Rules, Structure and Stuff!

    any chance of an instagib sub cup? Seems insta players like me not got much to do for these 2 std as months :cry: