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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. ExSuymBull

    Hey everyone!

    Someone Have to remove my fucking picture.... that about 10 years old and i look like I'm 5... BTW, is there anyone left here? hehe:rofl:
  2. ExSuymBull

    Q & A Round II

    A: A good start Q: :shout: ?
  3. ExSuymBull

    Q & A Round II

    A: No Q: what do you call 1000 lawyers on the bottom of the sea?
  4. ExSuymBull

    Q & A Round II

    A: No Idea Q: What the hell am I doing here? Hanvent bin here in years...