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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. SlaveBoy

    Default Map Sets?

    Why can't a clan pick a default mapset too be used if they don't actively pick maps for a game? Most clans probably pick the same maps most matches anyway and that way there'd be less fuss about who forgot to pick maps and whatnot. And don't tell me noone's thought of this before 'cos I won't...
  2. SlaveBoy

    Squirrel's Goth Secret

    Well some of you might have wondered where our innocent little forum Squirrel has found such naughty pictures to edit into a half decent goth Penny. He surely must have looked a long time to find it. Hah! I tell you and double-hah! He had the pictures on his very own harddrive all along...
  3. SlaveBoy

    SlaveBoy's UK/AT trip (preview)

    Oi, who's the wet twat then Opti? :) More later whenever I can be arsed to put it up :) Including such beauties as: Penny's old house Ducklings at cambridge Potato map of... the netherlands? Slags on a lawn
  4. SlaveBoy

    UTA Map Packs and platform bigottry

    Ok I just gotta know this. Why or rather Why The Hell are the UTA Map Packs only available as .exes and not as .umods? First of all I'm given to believe that .umod is the official way of delivering packs and stuff to UT and as I'm rather partial to following standards I'd like them to be...