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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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  1. S

    n e 1 up for practise with the bridge launch

    :shock: whoz down for the bridge launch now ? reply if you want to try it out :shock: :!ola: :mingun: :flack: :cftchase: :sniper: :)
  2. S

    [plz help me]

    thanks ok m8 ill try figure it out thanks for helping m8 i apechiate that ty but still might need more help with it lol :)
  3. S

    PPl's user ini's

    help me plz hi could someone with crosshairs already set into there user.ini files make an attach ment so i could copy it to mine becuase i can get my crosshairs to work plz help :mingun: :flack:
  4. S

    [plz help me]

    hi has n e 1 got a user.ini file that i could use to put the crosshairs onto mine plz i cant figure out hot to work the crosshairs some plz help me :mingun: :flack: :shock::)