Weapon Binds & Sniper Rifle mod

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Sep 19, 2001
Dorset, UK

It's become apparent (again), that through weapon testing (again) there's quite a few of you with binds that use the "getweapon" command followed by a specific class name for the weapon, e.g. "getweapon sniperrifle".

The default syntax for weapon switching (which you can see in your DefUser.ini) is actually "switchweapon X" where X denotes the slot the weapon usually sits in, e.g. for snipers, it'll be "switchweapon 10", for rockets it'd be "switchweapon 9".

I'm posting this as a push to recommend people update their binds and move away from the getweapon command, which causes issues when we need to use modified weapons, just as we've done over the last 15 or so years (e.g. tick rate independent minigun and pulse, rocket and flak projectile fixed weapons, zeroping weapons, minigun power tests and now HD sniper reticle tests).

If you're really wedded to continuing to use getweapon for <reasons>, then you'd need to ensure you capture all the possible classes in that getweapon string, e.g.
  • getweapon minigun2|getweapon minigun2tiw|getweapon pureminigun2|getweapon gatl_Minigun2|getweapon gatl_PureMinigun2
  • getweapon ut_flakcannon|getweapon ut_flakcannon_fix
  • getweapon ut_eightball|getweapon UT_Eightball_fix
  • getweapon sniperrifle|getweapon ZP_SniperRifle|getweapon sniperriflehd
Or, as I'm recommending, instead use:
  • switchweapon 7 :minigun:
  • switchweapon 8 :flack:
  • switchweapon 9 :rocket:
  • switchweapon 10 :sniper:
See how easy that is? :utacool:

n.b. It's understandable that you may wish to use the getweapon binds when playing other game types such as CTF where weapons can share slots (I'm thinking translocator here - also demonstrated in the defuser.ini), or where there's redeemers to consider... Adjust your strategy in using these commands if this fits your use case.
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And here's why I'm posting this...

The updated Sniper scope reticle which I'd like to enable for pug matches too (once everyone's sorted their binds out).

The old scope is a 128px texture designed for 640x480 resolution, and scaled up appopriately.

The new scope has 32 textures mapped to form a scope either at 1920 x 1080 (HD) or 3840 x 2160 (UHD) and scaled down appropriately. I'll probably add a 2560 x 1440 (QHD) variant too, since this seems to be a popular resolution across gaming monitors.


Happy to take bug reports for the sniper either on discord or in this thread. I'm aware of an odd rendering issue at QHD which I'm looking into.
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I'll keep track of issues in this post...

Issue: Scope reticle is rendered with crossing lines all over the place
Solution: Check your renderer settings, look for a setting "NoAATiles" and ensure this is set to True. Update to the latest renderer if this setting is not present.

Issue: Weapon priorities aren't working
Solution: While efforts are undertaken to ensure the updated sniper rifle is inserted in the correct place along with existing weapon priorities, this doesn't work for everyone, so open up your User.ini and ensure SniperRifleHD is inserted in the line below (or above) the existing SniperRifle. (Section - [Engine.PlayerPawn])
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