Heroes of the Storm

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The Saviour of UTA. Worship me as DJ worships sofa
Mar 5, 2006
If you liked Diablo III, StarCraft 2, World of Warcraft, or League of Legends, Blizzard has just released a game which is similar to all these games combined!

http://heroesofthestorm.com - Free to play, I know html, myself, wish, and others are playing. Care to join in the fun?

Add me on Battle.net: endgegner#1655
Heroes is really fun, Blizzard have made this accessible and quick to pick up, it's definitely worth trying!

I had never played a moba before this, so was quite proud to reach this :P


I'll probably start uploading stuff to YT when they fix the replay system :hangover:
Nicely done, Wish. You and html both hit Rank 1 :D Maybe we should make a UTA clan.
e-peen level: wish sized :eek:
68% winrate with falstad

but really impressive for someone who never played mobas wish
You've seriously only played 63 games? Jeezuz.

html and I had a great game the other day, html was lvl1, lvl18 two of us were 24-27, and another lvl36... vs. 3 rank1, 1 rank6, 1 rank 18, 1 rank 21.

We were four levels down 13-17.

We won.
The MM system grant new players more points then it does to veterans that play the game since technical alpha, f.e. I always gain 85-101 per win and lose 115+ per a loss so the fewer games you have the faster you get to rank 1.

Post your hotslogs profiles with mmr ;)
In your level 8+ heroes your best win % is murky. lulz

also my combined hero level is higher than yours with less games played :o

i stopped playing quickmatches when hero league came out, people are too noobish to my tastes. I hate not being able to rely on teammates.

In your level 8+ heroes your best win % is murky. lulz
I started playing Murky once I was better at the game, and also, he can be one of the best carries when played right imo.

also my combined hero level is higher than yours with less games played :o

Combined hero level means nothing substantial, just that you've spread more games over a bigger array of heroes. I have Jaina 16, Murky 14, if I put those many, many games played above level 10 into the several other Heroes I have at level 1 it'd be much higher overall too.

i stopped playing quickmatches when hero league came out, people are too noobish to my tastes. I hate not being able to rely on teammates.

Hmm... I agree, but not that long ago eh? ;)
well yeah i play quickmatches now and again when theres a new hero out or when i need to do some specific quests i dont feel that confident to do in hero league. or when i want to try a new build. But more often then not I rage so i try to play quick matches as little as possible
I'm at 10 atm
I played a game after and i got 300 points :eek:

Im quite curious how Blizzard MMR is calculated now after the patch.
in some interview they said it uses a lot of different aspects from the game and even if you're losing a game and did well you don't lose so much mmr...