15 Years of Unreal Tournament

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ https://discord.gg/JuaSzXBZrk for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.


The Saviour of UTA. Worship me as DJ worships sofa
Mar 5, 2006
For those of you who only browse the Chit Chat forums (looking at you!), November 30th marks the 15th year of Unreal Tournament, the game we all have known and loved :)

Not everyone is active still but it would be great to reinstall and join in for a few games, and with UT4 around the corner we can really show some people what Assault is all about.

To celebrate UT99's 15 Year Anniversary, html is hosting Survivor Assault #9 on Nov. 29th at 20:00, and Dj_AL is organizing an ongoing 4vs4 Assault cup here . These are both terrific ways to celebrate the fun we've had over the years, commemorate a significant milestone in this game, promote Assault, and set the foundation for the future.

If you're reading this, consider reinstalling UT (I have a link), stopping by to say hello, and maybe even grabbing some old friends to join us again. Everyone has someone on MSN, Skype, Facebook, etc, that they still talk to, and there are plenty of players we miss. Send them a :wave: and invite them to celebrate with us :)

I admit , i only come here to browse z chit chate for good old times sake (and maybe to annoy Ivan), have ut installed (never deleted it) and play it from time to time (dm - and i hate dm), so i ll try 2 be around on the 29 th november. God knows playing some assault would be nice....:D
how would one get a hand on a pretty much ready-to-go version of UT for utassault.net? With the servers and Mods available? I lost the HDD that had my install info on it, years ago. Not been playing shooters for ages but the little laptop I'm on now should certainly hold up to UT. might as well give it a go!
Hey! I still have UT installed on my old desktop, not been booted up in about a year lol but I wouldn't mind joining the fun! :)
how would one get a hand on a pretty much ready-to-go version of UT for utassault.net? With the servers and Mods available? I lost the HDD that had my install info on it, years ago. Not been playing shooters for ages but the little laptop I'm on now should certainly hold up to UT. might as well give it a go!

Where did you go?
My UT skillz nowadays...no wait haven't they always been like that lol
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Oooh yea, this is the old smallbozz that was fighting with the Nac. Prepare for a youngboy that have grown into a man now!