pictures pictures pictures

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wie wärs wenn du dich auf das allgemeine topic beschränkst und nur bilder postest die für die allgemeinheit lustig sind und sich nicht auf deine private verquere ansicht von humor beziehen.

1. We are in an world forum !speak "English!" 2. Read the Topic " PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES" 3. ITS STILL A UT FORUM

"die für die allgemeinheit lustig sind"

You cant put a picture in this forum where the whole world is laughing.

Samy, you've been warned about this before. Next time will be a month's suspension.
1. We are in an world forum !speak "English!" 2. Read the Topic " PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES" 3. ITS STILL A UT FORUM

"die für die allgemeinheit lustig sind"

You cant put a picture in this forum where the whole world is laughing.

i wasnt sure if you would understand what im trying to tell you since a lot of people allready told you, that you are dumb as a door.
you just have to see the context, and that is about funny pictures.

but as i know, you are some kind of a master in opening stupid threads, so feel free to create your own ut screenshots thread :)