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lol wasnt my idea quit dzz ;). smantai left us because im asshole and without him we lose the tactic in matches. Some ppl getting upset because of that, some enjoy that :).
Fuler i dont think that he left dzz couse of you, he is proud as a peacock and didnt want to say "sry" to admin ;)
I'm quite certain that his attitude has affected it at laest. I left once becasue of it.
No one likes to getting screamed at for being an idiot when you make a mistake in a match, or similar. But sadly, that's what Smantie does all the time.
But he had control of the clan, making tactics and such that noone else could fill up for him. He did a very good job as the leader at least. We just need someone to take his role, I guess it will be me in the end.
Yee Yee.
I am not going to guit UT( or left dzz ) but school time is hard, can play only Fridays and Saturdays evening.
Smantie was and he is still a very good leader, and yes, he call me WildLee - just a small kid. I dont mind it, so np for me.
He is still my typical american friend. All of dzz is :P I dont want give up so easily. Relax PeaceMaker! :rofl: