Team Fortress 2

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

Via Steam.

Played a little bit before on some sort of map which was like a giant kids bedroom or something. Reminded me of those huge UT maps.

Seems like fun. The game and the interface isn't annoying - i.e. can skip the credits and splash screens when the game loads, game browser interface is fast and responsive.
wtf Rookie's a League Admin ;)

\o m8, just when you thought I'd disappeared off the face of the earth ey? such luck :D

Yeah they actually got that desperate :( Good to see you back though.
Sticking around for a while now or gracing the yankee's with ur visits again soon?
how do i get the game? download it?

Get it paid for and dl it Diggler - small change for a soon to be pro footballer ;)

Yeah they actually got that desperate :( Good to see you back though.
Sticking around for a while now or gracing the yankee's with ur visits again soon?

Meant to be back in yankyland now cept for some annoying visa issues :mad: That's why I'm playing lots of TF2 and whoring all kinds of old forums...gotta keep myself occupied one way or another :lol: Should be heading back in the next few weeks - been playing TF2 with some yanks on euro servers and encouragingly their pings have been awesome so there's hope when I go back :D
Found it pretty fun, but pld on custommaps server. Some of them sucked, others were nice. I like being a scout :)

Yes, unfortunately the steam stats suck at updating properly; it didn't register my sentry-gun kills, however I did get the "more than 10 kills" achievement, and the next round when I was a medic, it registered 2 ubercharges as 10.

The (first) sentry got 15 or 16 kills in total though :D
doh just introduced me to the game today, and I gotta say I'm already hooked on the gameplay :D (Even though the map sucked).

Can't be right there aren't more people playing this..

#tf2 !
I've played a bit. Might use some more time playing it. So where is the best servers to play on? :P
No idea, i join random servers.. join #tf2 on, easiest way to find out where people are playing.