Recent content by Max]I[muS-X

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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  1. M

    UTA Recordzone

    I meant this thread. Whatever happened to this anyway :?
  2. M

    Bamzz-Bunny (Short movie)

    Woow you guys, this trick has been known for ages! I thought you guys found out about it when I showed it to Konz a year or so ago and then we made a bunch of AS speedruns with it on this site?? Even before that it's been known in NA CTF play since like 2001. Anyway I think AS should have it...
  3. M

    UTA Recordzone

    That only happens when the bots are set to a low difficulty level, such as Novice, and it's not allowed. I haven't really worked on any maps since that last Rook demo, as I just got back in school and have been busy with friends, school, and other activities. When I do get on the computer to...
  4. M

    UTA Recordzone

    OOPS, accidentally reposted. See below.
  5. M

    UTA Recordzone

    "To view AVIs make sure you've got Divx6 installed!"
  6. M

    UTA Recordzone Teleporting saves only a small amount of time. If you do it perfect (which I didn't quite do) you land at the ripper slightly before you would dodging, plus you can immediately dodge, whereas there's a slight delay if you get there by...
  7. M

    UTA Recordzone

    Got 27s with a HORRIBLE demo on Rook, 24s should be possible, if not less... I need someone to avi it for me though, waiting on konnan for that. Teleport to ripper + good dodging + 2x fast ripper shot + 6x frogjump from gatehouse = win. My avi only has teleport, dodging, like a 6x SLOW...
  8. M

    UTA Recordzone

    Well, you've almost convinced me into re-trying it, but that first part is so random and difficult to do! I've done it once before but my old .dem file was hidden so it wouldn't overwrite the old demo file, meaning it never recorded. I might give it a go later on, right now I'm probably going...
  9. M

    UTA Recordzone Bleh. Frigate executed a little better than Konnan's and maybe a slight improvement, but not enough to make it 13 seconds ;[ I hit the generator during the 5th second (earliest possible) with one ripper without stopping, wait for the door to...