Reviving UTA in 2007

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imo if people want new players, we need to change attitude to the new players imo, when ure on a public playing with "newbs" there's always someone on the other team that cries when he looses and types "fo noob go dog std" how much fun is dog std, im not saying this is happening every time but ive seen it so many times and its sad imo.
@ html:

ROFLOL idd :thumb: Tbh I've never gotten a virus with windows, if you don't use the internet like an idiot you'll never get one. Why trade functionality and the ability to play games for a lack of available viruses? /off topic

@ Ase:

idd. My feelings are hurt when ppl tell me to go to DoG std :( But then there are people like XR who we call noobs because it hurts their feelings which makes us feel better about ourselves. I think that's good for the community.

Ase definitely has a point. I've gotten complaints from other members just yesterday that certain people, particularly division 1 players (though not all div1 players obviously) are complete assholes to new players and some people in div2. That doesn't make people feel welcome, and if people don't feel welcome why are they going to stay? This league is full of very nice people from all across the globe and I think we ought to work a little harder to reflect that sometimes.

This may be stepping out of my boots a bit, but I also think we should rename EAC to IAC - International Assault Cup. We can make it a huge event and definitely bring a lot of people into the league from sites like ClanBase. European Assault Cup makes me as an American feel really left out (although I'm sure we're meant to be :P) and it wasn't until about 2 weeks ago that I actually found out Americans were allowed in it. If we bring in some CB players from all across the world we could even set up a North American server for matches North American clans play in the cup which could be really interesting and fun as well. I think we can make EAC 2007 a momentous event and really bring some great attention to UTA. I would like some feedback on that idea though :)
@ ase its not just the attitude towards new players on servers its ppls attitudes in general, and i think we all no who the minority are?? try and have a adult conversations with these people aint gonna happen :P
@ Ase:

idd. My feelings are hurt when ppl tell me to go to DoG std :( But then there are people like XR who we call noobs because it hurts their feelings which makes us feel better about ourselves. I think that's good for the community.

Ase definitely has a point. I've gotten complaints from other members just yesterday that certain people, particularly division 1 players (though not all div1 players obviously) are complete assholes to new players and some people in div2. That doesn't make people feel welcome, and if people don't feel welcome why are they going to stay? This league is full of very nice people from all across the globe and I think we ought to work a little harder to reflect that sometimes.

It wasnt really really my pov ill try to explain it a bit better. By now you should know that xr's only joking but there will always be people that take it too seriously and get mad. I guess many old players theese days dont play to compete but to have fun, the problem lies within lets say 1 decent player versus another and the rest are 'newbs' when one wins the other one gets mad and starts to blame the rest in the team :lame: and it may be the teams fault, but then again they cant be playing for fun but just by having the greed to win. Try to remember when YOU were new to assault or atleast to the custum maps, and ask ureself if it would be fun to be flamed by a more experienced player....
If someone gives me a blowjob I'll get back into UT and join their clan.

@ html:

ROFLOL idd :thumb: Tbh I've never gotten a virus with windows, if you don't use the internet like an idiot you'll never get one. Why trade functionality and the ability to play games for a lack of available viruses? /off topic
hmm.. there used to be viruses for windows that infected your computer by just connect to your dsl modem(or others)
(No sites needed to visit to get infected).
Oh, and ignore xr, he's gotten a haircut lately which i will mock him for for another century :P
(He doesn't deny it)
maybe they should bring EAC back but keep the league there all year. at end of year we find winner. just like other leagues apart or you playing for you country to win the cup...

all i can say to that is GG!! (-8-) to be champs again :bored:

not meaning to shit on an idea, but thats what it would be, like the last EAC

(havent looked at (-8-) current team, but im sure it would be a similar situation again :shake:)
cups are the way to go (i think i said this before somewhere) not necessary to bring new blood to the league but to add something for older players to get into - something new. The problem imo at least with this is and i said this in another thread not to long ago, theres a big gulf between the top few players and the rest of the league. Meaning you cant keep it competitive amongst every1. And while im sure some people will argue, what keeps a league going is usually competition, its not fun winning 8-0 all the time and its probably not fun to get beaten 8-0 all the time. When we did the EAC there was a similar problem, you had 2-3 teams who were sure to dominate and the rest who were never going to have a chance. Fortunately we had enough teams to create a 2nd tournament and keep it fairly balanced that way and i think in the end alot of people enjoyed it like that. You could apply this situation to the current division 1 as well (cant say for sure how competitive division 2 is)

The other problem is getting new clans into the league isnt going to happen, not now, i would just give up on the idea. (of course feel free to try) Even if you get the interest of 1 person, is that person going to go and make a new clan to play in the league? Usually it takes a group of new players to play together on public servers for a while and get to know eachother. What i can see happening is new players joining CURRENT clans.

These are 2 problems i can think of, i dont know the solutions but i would like to see some sort of 3v3 or 4v4 cup, something like a triathlon cup (std/pro/ias) played over 3 months (1 each month), just an idea :shrug:

edit: i wouldnt mind some new maps just being thrown into the league, aka submarine and autorip style. If you keep voting you end up no where. Particularly enjoying dungeon siege and tydiam atm on pug and always thought snowdunes was pretty decent, i dont like saqqara to much but i think those 4 maps should be cleaned up as best as possible and thrown into the deep end. Major bug fixes etc can be added later. Also Asthenosphere or AsthenosphereAL should be removed and the new Asthenosphere(dunno the name) on the pug should be added!
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im pretty sure the number of people playing all 3 (ias proas and std)

is ALOT fewer than those playing only std or only 2 gametypes

it might be interesting to have different gametypes, but 1 teams shouldnt be forced to play proas or ias if they dont like it (i totally hate proas and dont really like ias)
it might be interesting to have different gametypes, but 1 teams shouldnt be forced to play proas or ias if they dont like it (i totally hate proas and dont really like ias)

:rolleyes: Because you cant get belt on the likes of siege and camp there til someone launches you :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: or is it in ias where you cant hammer out of every situation :rolleyes:

The plus side is html, maybe you should play ias, THERES NO LOCKDOWN!! OMDZ!!1!!1!!1
i think u should considers changing stuff , but not adding stuff.
i don't have as much time as i had for video game before , and i'm sure a lot of people are the same.
adding new stuff would make me unable to play everything , so if i play a cup , i won't play the league .. and this won't help.

to get more fun , maybe people in div 1 should change clan , having the same 8-0 (or 0-8) all the time must be boring as hell.
i play in div 2 and most of the wars there end 8-6 or so , it's deffenetly the place to be to have fun!
rather than grouping uber player to win a 8 years old game , people should consider mixing teams to get more fair/fun matchs.
cups are the way to go (i think i said this before somewhere) not necessary to bring new blood to the league but to add something for older players to get into - something new. The problem imo at least with this is and i said this in another thread not to long ago, theres a big gulf between the top few players and the rest of the league. Meaning you cant keep it competitive amongst every1. And while im sure some people will argue, what keeps a league going is usually competition, its not fun winning 8-0 all the time and its probably not fun to get beaten 8-0 all the time. When we did the EAC there was a similar problem, you had 2-3 teams who were sure to dominate and the rest who were never going to have a chance.
If you get new blood into UTA, some TDM and CTF guys with skills that could possibly change.
Fortunately we had enough teams to create a 2nd tournament and keep it fairly balanced that way and i think in the end alot of people enjoyed it like that. You could apply this situation to the current division 1 as well (cant say for sure how competitive division 2 is)
I daresay div2 is more competitive than div1. Div1 has 3 or 4 clans the other 4 clans play and know they'll lose against. When a top ranking clan hasn't lost in 20 games, that's good for the clan, but it says the league isn't too fun for the rest. Div2 has much more competition. Last few results were 8-6, 8-6, 8-6, 8-1, 8-1, 8-4, 8-5 and in most matches all the maps/frags are close.

The other problem is getting new clans into the league isnt going to happen, not now, i would just give up on the idea. (of course feel free to try) Even if you get the interest of 1 person, is that person going to go and make a new clan to play in the league? Usually it takes a group of new players to play together on public servers for a while and get to know eachother. What i can see happening is new players joining CURRENT clans.
What's wrong with that? They're still joining the league and once those clans get full they or someone else will move to a new clan.

These are 2 problems i can think of, i dont know the solutions but i would like to see some sort of 3v3 or 4v4 cup, something like a triathlon cup (std/pro/ias) played over 3 months (1 each month), just an idea :shrug:
I was thinking about the triathalon cup but I think html's response pretty much summed that up logically.

edit: i wouldnt mind some new maps just being thrown into the league, aka submarine and autorip style. If you keep voting you end up no where. Particularly enjoying dungeon siege and tydiam atm on pug and always thought snowdunes was pretty decent, i dont like saqqara to much but i think those 4 maps should be cleaned up as best as possible and thrown into the deep end. Major bug fixes etc can be added later. Also Asthenosphere or AsthenosphereAL should be removed and the new Asthenosphere(dunno the name) on the pug should be added!
Yeah Dungeons and AsthenoSE are definitely good maps which I too would like to see in the league, but saying "major bug fixes can be added later" is pointless to be honest. If a map enters the league with major bugs people cba to play them or try and that's not good. As for new maps I'd love for someone a bit more knowledgeable with mapmaking to contact Unreal Playground and help them with some maps they're making.
Tbh i believe a poll is the best option atm because ideas are being submitted although nothing is being done. Start a poll so the admins can see what the whole community wants, therefore a conclusion to reviving uta might be solved.