Why did you close the thread?²

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New Member
Oct 15, 2001
Hamburg, Germany

i just wanna know what was wrong with our server, sure the pings at start are like 800, but if you check your ping 15 seconds later, you will notice its not like that. its a win2k bug

There was np with it. Considering im living in scotland and server is in germany + Im on 64k isdn if i pinged good there then anyone should :P
During game average pings were sub 80 which i have never seen on a jolt. On jolt pings before game might be almost equal. but during game they go up to an average of +100.
cant say i was impressed with the server, and whether its better than jolt or not is open to debate, they both suck balls imo.... altho the only playable server ive played on in the past 2 months was hosted on a 200mbit Uni connection..... altho that was CTF :)

and less of the gg bollox.... it wasnt so just shut up entirely about it :lol:
Of Course it wasn t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since u guys lost :cool:
Btw stop crying now little kid, ION have left the league so u get the top spot again :)
Happy now?
awww :)
Originally posted by EWSEA-Suicide
and less of the gg bollox.... it wasnt so just shut up entirely about it :lol:

what makes u say that?
it was a good game... it averaged out to at least 1 kill/1sec :o
well what i have seen :rolleyes: