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capture the flag, last man standing, deathmatch and team deathmatch - plus the addition of as yet unspecified mode. But even within the constraints of a standard team deathmatch, the action is still unlike anything you've ever experienced before. On starting, the player chooses from one of three player classes, which will then establish their balance of speed, amour and firepower, as well as determining the special abilities. In order to sustain the control of the vast planet's surface, a team will have to co-ordinate the efforts of the grunts (standard soldiers), the techs (responsible for weaponry and gun emplacements) and the spooks (stealth and good with sniper rifles). As a game progresses, each team has the opportunity to research and create new weapons, such as force fields, automated turrets, sensors and recon units, providing that your tech is up to the task.
from extra.gamespot.co.uk/pc.g...nreal2_uk/

well if they don't include it in their release, i think some1 *hint*phear*hint* can/hope make an AS mod ;)
Re: =D

phear write an entire AS mod? took him like 6 months to right ADVAS and that dont do much bar change the odd weapon etc. doubt he could handle a full game type

and even if he could i dont think his g/f would be best please, hey bro? :lol:
Re: =D

:lol: @ light

- plus the addition of as yet unspecified mode.

ahha thats AS i kno it, i kno it!!! :)

better not be DOM, DOM sucks :lol:

BAHHH...what you want is UNrealWarfare...the Epic followup to UT...now they def talked about AS type gameplay in there...

But the idea of a mod calle

UNrealPhearMe...does have a certain ring to it :)

Still it's all small patatas compared to HALO!!!!!!


Re: UnrealWarfare

that..... is a real good question, I think.