unban from #utapug pls - time of ban?!?

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New Member
Jan 28, 2005
Berlin, Germany
Hi there i think i got banned on utapug for leaving the pug without giving a sub,

sry for that and apologies for that failing of the rulez - last night after 4 pugs my connection went out and didn't come back....

As my first ( and hopefully last) rulezfailing i like know how long the ban lasts and when you remove it...


You're unbanned now, usually its 24 or 48hr ban for things like that.

You were banned for having a quit message against your exit rather than a ping timeout
don't worry about it m8 ,you get banned for everything in pug , its kindergarten central :lol:

Had to laugh at the "kindergarten central" when clearly it was always you acting like a two year old 24/7.


Peace :)
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