# StdAS - 24.02.2011 :: ~PGS~ 8 - 2 [NAC]

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I spam, therefore I am. <a href='/showthread.php?t
Aug 6, 2007
~PGS~ matchcomment:
~PGS~ said:
GG. N1 siege. N1 Underground Head Bladje :P
Diakon Sux as ALWAYS < Biatch
Wietnam Lag as ALWAYS < Biatch
Sofik Noob as ALWAYS < Biatch
August unthinkable as ALWAYS < Biatch
Temper sniper whore, bio launcher as ALWAYS < Suckier
VsBlade/White.ee MASTER as ALWAYS < Godlike
// VsBlade/White.ee GG

[NAC] matchcomment:
[NAC] said:
gg pgs but we had the powah of the THINGY!

Full match report...