# StdAS - 08.05.2007 :: [DFP] 8 - 5 [ADC]

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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I thought this was my 2nd match? ;)

Due to my shitty ISP, my ping was insane - jumping between 400 and has high 8000.

Still had fun though :D
Erm bollocks.

Was 6v5 for most of it, thanks to Humph's ownage ISP :\ Won most of the launchy maps and just got raped to the twin realms of lag and spam in the others. No change in DFP tacs imminent...

GG anyway to both clans, and we shall meet again :mad:
That puts Humph in the top 3 for objectives... SHOCKING!

... " this guy botted and like got the second most kills...gay cheats won them the game"
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