Planetside need Assaulters.

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Taoh Rihze

New Member
Apr 28, 2003
The future is about to arrive. Planetside is a new world who need our presence, the best Assaulters in the world. It is time to prove those weak CounterStrikers, Quakers, and Rainbow 6 scum, who the strongest force of fraggers is.

So now Apoc and myself, Taoh Rihze, have decided to show our influence in this world. We do this by creating the Outfit ExAS for Planetside. This outfit is to consist only of Assault players. So you are hereby expected to join our force, on the winning side of Vanu Sovereignty.

We expect your full Cooperation in this process, and you should now be signing up for our team. For the glory of Assault and Vanu Sovereignty.

Remember, we are the only team worthy of your skills.

ROFL i think u talk little bullshit there, i dont care about this counter strikers and that i just care about my game, so i would call this little wicked wat ur saying!
We all now that my MAX unit kicks ur ass iggY but I can't kill you without geting greif points. NC is going to win the war for sure :D