One UT3 sshot

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Well wiggy linked most of nrg player accounts to forums himself, when i got banned no admin did even bother to unlink me from the forum account so i could play with my own nick..."thx"....being just banned from forums and irc not the league itself. All history now tho, guess most matured now and we all can seperate from nationalist and racist... you cant even emagine where i stand socialy in terms of politc view. small review of uk..... raped half the earth population wealth by colonization fs and whats worse it still does by economic terms...even if it lost most after ww2 to the us, some actors like most post ww2 dictators are just small potatos considering what uk have done, so there you have it.

Well that's a pretty one sided opinion. I'm not saying the UK's history is squeaky clean but it's not all that bad. We have contributed to the general welfare of other nations as well as given birth to some pretty amazing technological / scientific etc etc discoveries. Including the internet that you yourself take for granted everyday.

Also looking back at history and declaring it as immoral isn't really valid either. That's like me looking at poland or wherever because some caveman 2000 years ago raped his neighbours daughter and so I'm gonna conclude all polish people are paedophiles, now do you see how ridiculous your comments are? Sure your examples are much more recent but social boundaries are constantly changing and what is acceptable and what is not is constantly changing as well. "Raping the wealth of many nations" but we also provided them with better standards of living, transport links, trade links that have made many of the ex british colonies flourish.

Some people are undoubtely gonna get fucked over for the greater good, but that's how the world works Grz, ur not a kid anymore, surely you can realise this. Doesn't mean its right, doesnt mean is should happen ... it's just what happens.

The fact remains, some people need to clean the streets, make the shoes or whatever and they are always going to feel underappreciated, but believe me they aren't. The great thing about humans is that we are not all made the same, we don't all WANT to be the head of major coporations making millions a year, some of us actually want to contribute to society, provide a service for people, care for people etc.

Brandishing an entire nation with such remarks is pretty foolish / naive / "nationalist" / rascist .... delete as appropriate.
Well that's a pretty one sided opinion. I'm not saying the UK's history is squeaky clean but it's not all that bad. We have contributed to the general welfare of other nations as well as given birth to some pretty amazing technological / scientific etc etc discoveries. Including the internet that you yourself take for granted everyday.

Gatling gun...India, south aftica, many countries do you want me to mention?

Also looking back at history and declaring it as immoral isn't really valid either. That's like me looking at poland or wherever because some caveman 2000 years ago raped his neighbours daughter and so I'm gonna conclude all polish people are paedophiles, now do you see how ridiculous your comments are? Sure your examples are much more recent but social boundaries are constantly changing and what is acceptable and what is not is constantly changing as well. "Raping the wealth of many nations" but we also provided them with better standards of living, transport links, trade links that have made many of the ex british colonies flourish.

Depends what you mean what better standards of living is, trade and....loughable "british colonies flourish"...mention 1 except the "virgin islands"

Some people are undoubtely gonna get fucked over for the greater good, but that's how the world works Grz, ur not a kid anymore, surely you can realise this. Doesn't mean its right, doesnt mean is should happen ... it's just what happens.

Hitler said that in "Mein Kampf", "for the greater good" whos greater good are you talking about?

The fact remains, some people need to clean the streets, make the shoes or whatever and they are always going to feel underappreciated, but believe me they aren't. The great thing about humans is that we are not all made the same, we don't all WANT to be the head of major coporations making millions a year, some of us actually want to contribute to society, provide a service for people, care for people etc.

Brandishing an entire nation with such remarks is pretty foolish / naive / "nationalist" / rascist .... delete as appropriate.[/QUOTE]

Non of your arguments hold water, im not brandishing any nation just told you what i think of uk goverment for past 200 years. People who are passive are somewhat resposible to let that happen imo. Blood drips from their hands by doing nothing.
I dont have high thoughts about US infact sisnce ww2 uk is just a shadow of almost non importance,
every country has it's darker side and your angst should be aimed at humanity or at specific people not entire countries.

[edit] ESPECIALLY if you are talking about recent times. MILLIONS of people actively protested in the UK about entering Iraq but what can they do, government doesn't care they just do what they feel is needed to secure resources for the countries needs, we don't know the full story behind anything because of all the proaganda. And I would imagine it was worse in days gone by, the people probably had even less power. So you are brandishing all these people with your ignorant remarks as well as the politicians which I don't think people appreciate at all so please consider what you're saying. [/edit]
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When you talk about colonies flourish and especially "greater good" ask any admin here about that term:rofl:
That made me react, Im going out done argumenting.
Martz i take your offer i dissagree with the terms of the forum agreement, please delete my account.. takes 2 seconds right?
Your fellow moderators edit my posts anyway.

UT3 looks..... SHIT I certainly will not be buying it. Nor upgrading my PC for what looks to be another cliché FPS. Gameplay is everything especially in a team based game. UT3 will not deliver and they have wasted their time.

Incase the final version would be like you mention it my interest is lower than with ut2k4.

Only if its a hit game like UT99 and I can imagine that my next play time is better used with it than still the best ut99 i would upgrade my pc.

Is there a next UT99 arround???
I'm curious about what will happen to CoD4.. although thats a tactical shooter
Maybe someone will be intrested:

Join BeyondUnreal and Epic Games for an IRC chat, Tuesday, September 25th, 2007 at 8pm EST. Start gathering those Unreal Tournament 3 questions now!

* When: Tuesday, September 25th, 2007 @ 8pm EST (GMT -5:00)
* Where: (#beyondunreal)
* Why: Unreal Tournament 3

UPDATE: The post incorrectly stated October 2nd, so please change your calendars to September 25th before it's too late!