new map maybe

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:teehee::teehee:ROTLOTLOFOLOROLOLOFMAOLOROFL... :teehee::teehee:

[No I didn't read any post in this thread but Prophs joy is kind of contagious]
i think it emans that ifn u r a good clan u can be good on both sides...
not as oceanfloor where u dont need skill to attack or guardia with its Lame-Def that what i think
(never played the map thou)
:rofl: Proph and Towanda u make me laugh.
Ur Bo-intern forum is a flame-parradies isnt it?:rolleyes:

now back to topic:
Easy to defend :lol:. Guardia is easy to defend too and the map is crap.
I dont know the map but in my opinion it can replace
"Boom-Bang-Tie-"Guardia ;).
its easy to oofend too he mentioned ;)
so read my post to see what he was talking about fs :shout:


nope, UKS intern forum aint full of flaming spam :P
@Bart: BO memberforum truly is paradise:)

how do offend a map? :confused: use grab command when u pass its more inimite parts? or do u say this really is a lame #¤% sh|t map? pls lemme know because I really want to offend Guardia :D