mirc 6.0 with multiserv

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ https://discord.gg/JuaSzXBZrk for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

Yup, multiserver has changed IRC a lot imo, it was a pain in the arse moving onto another network - 6.0 makes it a shite sight easier. :drool:
yep, I've set mine up to log onto 6 servers and join chans auto and log in to the bots, all automatically :)

on *:START:{
.Timer 1 2 server -m ripper.unreal.orange.net
.Timer 1 3 server -m irc.eu.dal.net
.Timer 1 4 server -m irc.quakenet.org
.Timer 1 5 server -m irc.sandnet.net
.timer 1 6 server -m irc.enterthegame.com
.timer 1 7 server -m irc.gamesnet.net
How do you set it up to auto join dif servers and channels? I want to join ETG and WAR/UTA servers and a few channels.
Like I already told cs ad he copy pasted in anothr thread

raw 1:*:{ if (worldassault.com isin $server) || (utassault.net isin $server) || (orange.net isin $server) { raw -q join #ionjoltserver}
elseif (quake isin $server) { raw -q join #clanion }
elseif (enterthegame isin $server) { raw -q join #radium,#carbon }
elseif (gamesnet isin $server) { raw -q join #luna }