Lol Americans Are Dumb

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The Saviour of UTA. Worship me as DJ worships sofa
Mar 5, 2006
I can say that because I am one. Fre3d0m of sp33c|-|!!1111

Italian documentary dealing with the usage of war crimes in Iraq. A bit old, but I discovered Americans had no idea that it existed or happened and they were all like "suppr0t our tr00ps lol!!" and I was all like "fuck the troops roflol they kill babies" and they were like "teh onlee bab1ez we r teh killz0rizing r teh 0nez sh0ting @ us lol" and then I was all like "ROFLOL j00 r @ n00b & I pwn u @ life"

So if you haven't seen it, see it. I think it's definitely worth seeing. Most people in the world don't think it's as bad as that, but this is attrocious
What else is new? :lol:

sheesh i sound like an america basher, last few weeks!
I can say that because I am one. Fre3d0m of sp33c|-|!!1111

Italian documentary dealing with the usage of war crimes in Iraq. A bit old, but I discovered Americans had no idea that it existed or happened and they were all like "suppr0t our tr00ps lol!!" and I was all like "fuck the troops roflol they kill babies" and they were like "teh onlee bab1ez we r teh killz0rizing r teh 0nez sh0ting @ us lol" and then I was all like "ROFLOL j00 r @ n00b & I pwn u @ life"

So if you haven't seen it, see it. I think it's definitely worth seeing. Most people in the world don't think it's as bad as that, but this is attrocious

yer m8 u are posting on a mostly european forum so we all know and agree that u americans are wackos, better spread that on your continent
I dont say that it isnt a bad thing (about napalm and torture) but u are talking about one war (i dont care if its international legal or not), do u really think during wars only infantery dies? do u really think in a war there isnt torture?
I know those images are shocking but what did u expect when ur country went to war? a flower war?. Those things happen in every single war during last century (that kind of tortures) and that brutality in almost every way has hapenned in every war during all history (just ask robespierre in france revolution 2 centuries ago :P)
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To be honest I don't think anyone expects war to be without attrocity. However when attrocity happens it is an attrocity and it is our duty as human beings to speak out against such things and condemn them in hopes that somehow we can prevent it from happening in the future. How else do we expect to be the foundation for a better world for our children to live in?
have you seen kids today smant? they are gonna be worse! little fuckers.

also braj, tbh how can you delete posts of mine that are contribute equally little to the conversation yet you can post shit like that. "do as i say, not as i do, eh". I'm telling Martz on you!!!
have you seen kids today smant? they are gonna be worse! little fuckers.

Yer I posted that before I went to class. Then my fookin Adolescent Psychology class we talked about how kids are all going to hell because they're loud hooligans.
Though I do agree that most Americans are either misinformed or lack the education/intelligence in the Iraq issue, any statement generalizing to "Americans are dumb" is a complete dumb statement, especially considering you are american yourself. Every country has relative strengths/weaknesses insofar as how much they are aware of certain issues, but in general terms I would not rank any particular country higher, be it in US, Europe or anywhere else.
I would advice you to be careful in your choice of titles/quantifiers, and think about what you are contributing to the issue. That title basically says you're dumb to a smart american, doesn't help a dumb american but instead infuriates him, and invites dumb non-americans to profit on the opportunity to bash americans, hence losing its original intent in the first place, as you can probably see on the progress of the thread itself.
I would say revise the wording, and bring it up in an american community to be efficient with your message, otherwise don't bother.
lol americans are dumb

by saying that i prove it too :P

I went to eat in your town last night squirrel. I really did.